I learnt that public domain content or creative commons CC0 is a new creative commons license to help content creators distribute their work on the internet copy right-free. They can publish presentations, WebPages, videos, songs, pictures or any other form of content in the public domain via CC0. CC0 mean creative commons zero or “no rights reserved” license to your work, what this means is that “you as the creator of a work of art, article or whatever you create, you are trying to say I wrote this work or article but since I am circulating it under the creative commons zero please feel free to copy this article or use it for any other purpose without asking for permission or attrition.”
As the law stand, almost all countries have laws on copy right law prohibitions, I can rightly tell you that they have one thing in common and that is “copy right law prohibits in full or in part the use or reuse without explicit permission for creative works from the copy right owner.”
All copy right works will enter the public domain 70 years after the death of the author or 120years after the publication date if the death of the author is unknown.
Now back to the issue of the idea I said came to me while I was trying to do a research on my new blog post. The idea that came to me was if there was a lot of content out there lying unused why not write about it and bring it to the attention of my fellow bloggers and most especially newbie’s who may have been encouraged one way or the other for starting a blog through this blog and is finding it hard to come up anything to write about on their blog because for you to have traffic to your blog, you must have quality contents on your blog and must post to your blog at reasonable interval. And you must avoid copying copy righted documents online just to post to your blog it is against the rules of blogger and Google AdSense. I was going through my blogger dashboard and popped in to check my blog buzz, I came across an update that blogger is seriously working on deleting accounts that copy and paste copy righted items to their blogs.
The aim of this post is to put you on alerts on how to look for contents that are not copy righted, that is if you must use somebody’s else’s article on your blog, then it must be from “Public Domain Content”, you can download and re-modify it to your taste, even convert to PDF and sell it but most domain content have limitations as to what you can do with it but they are all free to use most of the time, simply do a “due diligence” before you use any of it.
Public domain content can be a useful resource center for online materials and ideas when you are looking for something to work on before posting to your blog so that you can avoid copying copy righted work and plagiarism. For you to use copy righted work you must first need to take permission by contacting them through their website or blogs online, but make sure that if you are given permission store the permission somewhere you can easily reach for it later.
Now a lot of you would have been asking yourselves; how do I search for public domain contents? You can do a search on public domain content on Google by simply typing the words “public domain contents” and click your way to whatever it is you are looking for.
It occurred to me to do another search for software’s that can duplicate articles, and you can imagine the result that came out. There are a lot of software’s that can duplicate your articles into 10 or more different articles with just a click from you and you can post on your blog. But if you must use this kind of software just make sure you write a unique article yourself and duplicate it to different articles. You can even register for Revenue sharing sites and use this software to earn from your Google AdSense account. I am currently working on this issue to expose or simplify it for you to take advantage of. Just make sure that you leave a comment on my blog on anything for us to improve and serve you better. You can download this kind of software’s for free. Simply do a search on Google with the keywords article duplicating software. Software Alliance roils some with aggressive stance: fines have reached into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.(fines for unauthorized software duplication): ... An article from: San Diego Business Journal
In conclusion however, the aim of this blog is to promote original ideas; where you can sit down and come up with your own idea on any niche but also at the same time point to you useful ideas that are relevant and emerging so that you don’t lack behind in this rapidly changing information technology world of ours.
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